13 Apr 2022
Our second newsletter for the Erasmus + ArtCRelief project (Entrepreneurial Empowerment for artists, cultural and creative professionals) is available.
Our second newsletter for the Erasmus + ArtCRelief (Business Empowerment for Artists, Cultural and Creative Professionals) project is available. The ArtCRelief project addresses the challenges posed by the covid-19 pandemic to artists, culture and creative professionals (ACCPs) in terms of continuing their business and the need to adapt and transition to different business models.
The ArtCRelief project aims to cultivate the entrepreneurial and business mindset of ACCPs in order to survive through the covid-19 crisis and be prepared for the new conditions that will follow.
Download our newsletter that provides basic information about the project activities that took place between month 6 and month 12, including the completion of IO1, the ongoing work in IO2, the second transnational meeting of the project partners that took place in Rome Italy, and project dissemination activities.
Consortium partners:
· P2 - University of Patras (UPatras)
· P3 – Balkan Institute of Entrepreneurship (Balkien)
· P4 – Itinerari Paralleli (IP)
· P5- Ulis Impresa Sociale Societa Cooperativa (Ulis)